- Gleyed
one of a series of grey soil colors indicating the historic presence of anaerobic conditions
- Palustrine
swamp like, relating to a marshy area not continously flooded
- anaerobic
not requiring oxygenated conditions; may also refer to organisms that cannot function in an oxygenated environment
- facultative
plants that can occur in wetlands under natural conditions; tolerates wetland conditions but may occur in upland conditions also
- hydric
containing at least some of the indicators of anaerobic conditions
- hydrophylic
water loving, tending to prefer or require saturated conditions
- hydrophytic vegetation
The sum total of macrophytic plant life growing in water or on a substrate that is at least periodically deficient in oxygen as a result of excessive water content.
(Michigan DEQ Wetland Identification Manual)
- lacustrine
lake-like, relating to an area continously flooded
- obligate
plants that occur almost always in wetlands under natural conditions; requiring the presence of wetland conditions
- riverine
wetland with a lotic water regime.
- wetland
those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances does support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saurated soil conditions
- wetland vegetation
vegetation that is adapted to hydric soils and hydrologic conditions normally found in wetlands