High Plains Playa: Playa Site

High Plains Playa Lake

Cowardin: PEM1A, PEM1C.

Landform. Ecoregion: Western High Plains (25). MLRA: Southern High Plains (77A).

Location. This reference wetland is located one-half mile north and two miles east of Tyrone. This reference wetland is on private property; no admittance without permission. Latitude: 36 deg. 56’ 09” Longitude: 101 deg. 03’ 06”. Legal: SW SW Sec. 31, T6N R19E CM.

General Description. This site represents wetlands occurring in depressional basins within broad, nearly level landscapes in the High Plains MLRA. These wetlands are part of very stable hydrologic system that has small amounts of new sediment added to them. These wetlands rely on surface accumulation from rain or snowfall for their source of water. Playa wetlands are generally oval in shape and range from one to several hundred acres in size. Typically water depth is no greater than 60 inches although some may have depth greater than 8 feet at maximum capacity.