Public Water Supply Systems - Viewer Information
The original intent of this map was to provide a general overview of public water supply systems and their facilities studied as part of the 2012 Update of the Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan (OCWP). Additional systems have been added as the data has become available. The data presented includes the state’s larger supply providers. It is important to note that much of the data presented is very generalized both spatially and temporally.
The system facility information was taken from the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality’s (ODEQ), Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) database. Visit the ODEQ web site for more information about SDWIS.
The system service areas and the pipeline data were largely taken from the 1995 Rural Water Systems in Oklahoma (RWS) publication. Please note that water system boundaries are not legal system boundaries. This data is a combination of the RWS boundaries and municipal boundaries. The pipeline information is from the RWS and only represents the main system transmission lines. Visit the RWS page for more information.
Beginning in 2015, additional public water system distribution pipelines were mapped by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board and added to this dataset, as well as pipeline data from systems mapped by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce GeoCIP Program.
Water System PipelinesWater System Approximate Service Areas