Oklahoma Water Resources Board the Water Agency

Water Well Record Search

by Well ID by County by Legal Location With Water Levels

You must enter a legal location and choose a well type under the "Search Options" section below.

* Any field marked with an asterisk is required.

Legal Location:
Sections separated by commas (1,2,3) or a range of sections 1-10

Search Options

Choose a well type. If groundwater or monitoring well is chosen, you must also choose a use for each of those well types.
Well Type:*
Groundwater Well

Monitoring Well
Note: Not all monitoring well records recieved prior to 2000 have been entered in the database yet.

Other Types:

Plugged Wells: (Note: This search only returns plugged wells.)
Note: To locate plugged wells you must also select at least one well type from above. To locate all plugged wells select all well types from above.



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